

Junggye Yangeop Catholic Church

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14 Then LORD gave th following regulations to Moses. 15 If any of you sin unintentionally by failing to hand over the payments that are sacred to the LORD, you shall bring as your repayment offering to the LORD a male sheep or goat without any defects. Its value is to be determined according to the official standard. 16 You must make the payments you have failed to hand over and must pay an additional 20 percent. You shall give it to the priest, and the peiest shall offer the aniaml as a sacrifice for your sin, and will be forgiven.
17 If any of you sin unintentionally by breaking any of the LORD's commands, you are guilty and must pay the penalty. 18 You must bring to the priest as a repayment offering a male sheep or goat without any defects. Its value is to be determined according to the official standard. The priest shall offer the sacrifice for the sin which you committed unitentionaaly, and you will be forgiven. 19 It is a repayment offering for the sin you committed against the LORD.